Joe Boehman
Joe Boehman has served as the Dean of Richmond College since 2007. Dr. Boehman's primary responsibility is for the academic and co-curricular success of approximately 1,500 undergraduate students who identify with the College. Dean Boehman administers academic regulations and student conduct processes as they impact Richmond College students, oversees the orientation program for the College, and advises the Richmond College Student Government Association Senate and Honor Council.
In a student affairs career spanning 30 years Dr. Boehman has served at flagship public universities, regional state institutions, land grant universities, and highly selective private liberal arts universities. His professional passion is to inspire people to think differently about organizational leadership, work/life integration, the intergenerational workplace, personal mission, and men and masculinities.
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WCGA's Student Affairs Committee & RCSGA's Student Experience Committee spent Fall 2017 researching all of the university's mental health resources. The research was then compiled into a flyer to promote at the University of Richmond, accessible here.
The Student Organization Budget Appropriations Committee (S.O.B.A.C.) is a joint initiative & responsibility between the Richmond College Student Government Association (RCSGA) & the Westhampton College Government Association (WCGA) that annually allocates funds to SOBAC registered & approved organizations of the University in order to maximize the quality of student life.